Now that you have answered agree or disagree to all of the following prompts, you need to take two and develop your ideas into much greater detail. Understand, the only wrong answer is an unsupported answer. Be to the point, be logical, and use examples to state your case. Your word count for each response should be no less that 200 words.
1) An ideal community would not have any hunger or starvation.
2) An ideal community would not have any jealousy or competition.
3) An ideal community would not have any unemployment.
4) All children should have equal possessions and privileges at a certain age,
regardless of the status of their families.
5) Families are much closer when they share their feelings.
6) Life would be better and easier if we did not carry bad memories in our
7) Overpopulation is such a problem that families should not be allowed to have
more than two children.
8) There is no real need to learn about world history.
9) There is no real need to learn about one’s own family’s history.
10) One’s job or occupation in life should be a careful match of one’s interests,
talents, and skills.
You will also need to comment on the posts of two other individuals. One you agree with and the other, someone you disagree with.